March 3, 2025 
What do you think? If a shepherd has a hundred sheep and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?
Matthew 8:12
Five years ago, I was on parental leave for the birth of our youngest. He had to spend a little time in the NICU, so we were in the hospital for the start of Lent, and it was the first time I’d be missing an Ash Wednesday service since before I began my ministry. But the hospital chaplain and I had several mutual clergy friends and he came looking for me. He offered me the sign of the cross in ashes on my forehead and then went with me to do the same for my wife. It was a wonderful connecting moment for us that the Church in the world came and found us when we weren’t in the midst of it.
In many ways, that’s the powerful reminder in the ancient custom of Ash Wednesday. We take the mark of the cross on our forehead or hand as a reminder of our mortality - from dust we have come and shall return. And ashes have long been a sign of penitence - turning from our mistakes and shortcomings and toward God. But the reminder in the symbol of the cross is that when we are far from God, God comes to us and God forgives us and offers us grace, redemption, and new life.
Ash Wednesday, the day that begins the 40 day season of Lent preparing for Easter is unmarked or unfamiliar to many outside the faith and even to many believers. It can seem quite depressing or morbid to be reminded of our failings and our mortality. And yet, the cross is the symbol that reminds us that death is not the final word. God has sought us, found us, marked us God’s, redeemed us, and called us to new life. What I was reminded of in that hospital was that ultimately, my family and I were in the hands of grace. I hope we will see you on Ash Wednesday at our worship service or in the morning in the columbarium for imposition of ashes. And I hope you’ll find someone lost this Lent and offer them the grace we share.
Lord, when I wander, come find me, call me, remind me I’m yours, and send me in grace. Amen.
February 25, 2025
Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
I Timothy 4:12
At youth group this week, before we took quizzes about their spiritual gifts and personality types, I posed various questions to the students about their preferences and what-if scenarios. A different corner of the room represented each choice - breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert; play a pro sport, coach one, be a commentator, or a fan with season tickets? One of the most interesting… Would they want to plant a church, be on staff at a church, attend just one church for the rest of their lives, or visit many churches for a job? I was surprised several were adamant that they would gladly plant a church - that’s hard work. But the biggest group - attend one church for the rest of their lives. In fact, they were enthusiastic about their answer.
Why was I surprised? First of all, they’re teens. Most of their answers revolve around maximum variety. They were evenly divided between breakfast, lunch, and dinner and each one of them gave the same reason: they deemed their meal the one with the widest variety of options. Secondly, for most of these kids, they’ve only attended one church. And their experience of our church or Church as a concept is positive enough that they’d be happy to have just one church - ours or some potential unknown church. These kids, with a variety of gifts and interests across ages, genders, personality types, and interests, from those who prefer math and science to art and theater and athletics, they felt welcomed and loved in faith community.
It’s hard not to be discouraged each day by the news of the world. There’s enough war and violence, poverty and greed, cruelty and division to make one feel helpless and hopeless. It would be easy to feel like nothing we can do alone or with any small group can bring hope and light. It would be easy to listen to the grownups on the news and become apathetic or desperate. But if you spend time with kids, kids who have been loved and encouraged to find and use their gifts, to dream and to hope and imagine… well, those kids will give you hope. They will imagine a world where their faith community is worth committing to for a lifetime. I don’t know about you, but I want to be a part of the churches they plant, the churches they staff, and the churches they join. This Sunday will be youth Sunday, where they preach and lead music and worship. I hope you’ll be there or stream it. They’re leading. Come see.
Lord, surround me with young people. As I support them, give them opportunities to teach and lead, inspire me through their words and work. Amen.
February 19, 2025
Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the person in charge of the banquet.” So they took it. When the person in charge tasted the water that had become wine and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), that person called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.”
John 2:7-10
In the story of what was probably his first miracle, Jesus turns water to wine. The water is being stored in ceremonial stone jars. Water would have been stored in them for ritual purification. It’s a small detail, but to turn that special water into wine meant the jars were re-purposed from holding ceremonial water to holding fine wine. They were transformed from an ordinary purpose to a miraculous one. It reminds me of the Three Trees story I read to my son so often. The three trees on a hillside dream of grand futures - one as chest that holds treasure, one as a mighty sailing ship, and one as the tallest tree pointing to heaven.
If you’ve read the story, they are each surprised. You know the first is made into a feed box for animals, smelly and ordinary. The second, into a fishing boat with similar woes. And the third is chopped down and thrown into a lumber pile. But then… the first tree has a baby placed into it and realizes he is holding the greatest treasure, the second carries several men in a storm and one man silences the wind and waves, and the third is yanked from the pile, fashioned into a cross, and carried by a man to a hill. And that third tree knew when people saw him, they would always think of God’s glory and love. So what are our dreams? And how is God surprising us?
Are our Sunday school classrooms transformed to housing our homeless siblings? Are our work skills for home building, teaching, medicine, law, or finance being turned into shower trailers, tutoring, medical mission, immigration assistance, and stewardship of church resources? In what ways are the campuses of our churches, our callings, our children, and our homes being transformed from ordinary dreams into extraordinary, miraculous purpose?
The trees, and perhaps the jars, had to face initial disappointment before it was revealed that God intended them for miracles. Scripture tells the story of people who God creates for and leads to miracles. Our openness and patience, our prayers and encouragement as God’s people in community can reveal new purpose for our resources, our talents, our time, and our lives. Where are we being called in this moment? How will God surprise us?
Lord, surprise me. Show up and transform the ordinary to extraordinary and call us to the miraculous. Amen.
February 11, 2025
Why were you searching for me?” Jesus asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he was saying to them.
Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and humankind.
Luke 2:49-52
“I know my ABCs now. I don’t have to practice any more.” I smirked at this proclamation from youngest son. I told him that we have to keep practicing letters so then he can learn words and then read whole books. “Why?” he asked me incredulously. I told we all have to keep learning so we can keep growing. “But daddy, you can’t grow any more. You’re all done. You can’t get bigger.” Oh no, I explained. I can still grow in my mind, in knowledge, and wisdom and experiences.
I thought back to this conversation as I listened to a news report on the radio about churches that were worried about division and purpose. One man said, “we have to grow!” A congregation which concerns itself with a measurement of membership, over or to the detriment or exclusion of spiritual growth is in decline. In this scripture in Luke, Jesus goes home to grow in wisdom and stature. Wisdom is the priority. In scripture, the times that it mentions God adding to their numbers primarily come as a result of the teaching and preaching and the care and love God’s people show in serving one another.
It became clear as I listened to the radio story that the reporter was not churched. And that’s fine, but to an outsider or someone young in the faith (like my son), it’s tempting to measure growth only by size or stature, rather than wisdom and maturity. As you think about your spirituality or the vitality of your faith community, have you grown? What would that look like? For Jesus, it was deepening understanding of the scriptures, the prophets, storytelling, and the skills of his ministry. Perhaps, those would serves us well too. And of course, we can never stop practicing or growing.
Lord, help me keep practicing and growing, in wisdom and in stature. Amen.
February 4, 2025
he Lord is near to all who call on the Lord, to all who call on the Lord in truth.
Psalm 145:18-19
We acquired a secondhand Power Wheel Jurassic Park Jeep for our youngest. It was well-loved and the battery life was nil, so we went to work. We replaced the battery, painted it, added lights, a “spare tire,” and even a walkie-talkie radio. The radio is perhaps his favorite part. He uses it every time he drives the Jeep. And 98% of what he says is, “Daddy! I love you!” And then he giggles and smiles and signs off to do circles and figure eights in the yard.
Given the opportunity to communicate, by speech, sign language, writing, or as you’re reading my typed words here… do we use the opportunity primarily for love? Some? Any of it? He doesn’t use his radio to ask questions or express road rage. I’m sure he will eventually do some of that in his life. We all have our moments. But for now, his new tool to talk directly to me from a distance is for expressing his love. And… he knows I’ll say it back.
The scripture reminds us that God hears us. We can call out our love in prayer. And just as importantly, God always calls back in love. My little one is confident I will always respond to his love with mine. And we can be too. How are we using our prayers? Our lives? Our free time? Last night, I stopped by our weekly evening program where we host unhoused guests for the night in the winter. Half a dozen families with their young children, all 5 to 10 years old had just served dinner and were playing and laughing and running around the fellowship hall. In every shriek was an audible, “I love you.” And if God was in the faces of each parent and guest, “There was an, ‘I love you too.’”
Lord, I love you. And I need to hear it today too. Send me to love with my life. Amen.
January 27, 2025
Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.
Isaiah 58:12
“Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
Luke 10:36-37
“Are you from California?” I realized the woman serving samples of BBQ chicken was looking at my Republic of California grizzly bear hoodie. “No,” I responded. “I’ve just been through San Diego a lot on the way to mission trips in the Baja. Are you from California?” She nodded. Her eyes were misty. “Do you have people there?” She nodded again. She began telling me about her sons, her extended family, the devastation, how California has changed so much in recent years. I didn’t know how best to comfort her. I just said, “sounds like everyone is doing their best to help.” She agreed. “And everyone here is so kind. I love living here.” Following her daughter to NC had made her my neighbor. But her heart and home were with the people in peril in her home state.
Scripture tells us that our identity is bound up in the places we make our homes, and in building and rebuilding efforts when calamity comes to our communities. People are at their most vulnerable when they lose their homes. The opportunity and necessity for restoration and rescue is a prophetic calling and deeply faithful purpose. When we extend ourselves in compassion and generosity, we become the hands and feet of the God we serve. We confirm our identity as repairers of the breach, restorers of what’s lost, bearers of dignity and worth.
In my last call, I had a volunteer role as chaplain with the fire department. One of the duties I filled was to connect families who suffered a home loss to fire with resources for recovery, such as my church, the school system and its administrators, teachers, and counselors, and non-profit crisis assistance like the Red Cross. I was a bridge between people reeling from personal tragedy and people moved to humbling and overwhelming generosity of spirit. Faith communities are at their best when responding to deep need with their time and treasure and homes. In the coming months, we will be called upon to be stewards of our personal and national resources in response to people fleeing fires, floods, persecution, war, and poverty. And we will have to decide if we are truly builders and repairers, brothers and sisters to all in need, or if we find our identity in the smallness of only what is right in front of us.
Lord, make me a neighbor to all in need. Amen.
January 21, 2025
Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”
Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.”
I Samuel 17:36-37
Like many kids, I grew up feeling as at home in my church hallways, classrooms, kitchen, and youth and scout spaces as my own house. This can be especially true for kids of us pastors. Our boys love coming to church and to my office. This week, while waiting for our oldest to return from a camping trip, the youngest roamed the hallways of our campus with his lightsaber, searching for bad guys and ghosts. At one point, he faced a particularly challenging foe. I offered my help, and adamantly, he declined. “God is my backup.”
I don’t know if this answer was prompted by his surroundings, but I was struck by his enthusiasm and confidence. It is our hope that his faith community instills in him a courageous hope and trust that God is always with him, by his side, helping to do what is right, calling him to who and where he’s needed with his gifts. When we read to our children, we instill a lifelong habit and a gift that unlocks learning in every class, course, and career they pursue. When we gather in the kitchen or for family dinner, involve them in preparing meals and choosing healthy foods, we instill a love for food, family, and fellowship. And when we bring them to the Lord’s house to sing, to learn, to be nurtured, and to serve others in need, we teach them to be stewards of God’s gifts, and sure of God’s promises.
GK Chesterton is famous for observing that children don’t need to be told that dragons exist because they already believe this, but that they must be told they can be vanquished. Children learn quickly of that darkness and difficulty of the world we make for them. It is important that we provide them brave spaces that teach them they are never alone, that they can and must do mighty things, rescue the vulnerable, and do what is just. And they -and we- must believe that God is our backup.
Lord, send me to face the challenges of the world with the certainty of faith that you are with me when I go where you call. Amen.
January 15, 2025
But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
Amos 5:24
“Wanna meet some new friends at church?” My four year old’s eyes lit up. “Yes! Who are they?!” I explained that some of our friends don’t have houses and when it’s cold, they need somewhere safe and warm to sleep, so we open up the church during the winter and they come stay overnight. We make them dinner and do laundry and give them beds and wash their feet. “Like when I get a bath?” I told him it was exactly like that.
So we headed to church and found our friends just after dinner. Some were watching TV and some were getting their feet washed. Some of the men told us jokes. And he laughed and ran laps around the room. At that, they laughed. There’s just something about the reckless abandon of a child in a Grinch sweatsuit racing around the room and stopping to tell incomplete knock knock jokes. I think it’s intimidating for most of us to find ways to engage in ministries of justice or introduce our children to serving others. And yet, there are so many opportunities in our communities and churches to do that, and to bring our children with us to learn.
My older boys have all had years of experience serving vulnerable people in need. They will never be afraid to roll up their sleeves and help. I hope that if you’ve never served a meal, stocked a food pantry, tutored a child, or washed someone’s feet, that you’ll come join us in that work, and you’ll bring your kids with you to do it. This weekend is the Martin Luther King Jr. observance, and I hope you’ll consider honoring his life’s work and legacy by finding worthy work to serve others and seek justice.
Lord, help me to be a servant and example to the children in my life, with the eagerness children make friends. Amen.


January 8, 2025

 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
    from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
This Sunday during the children’s message, our Christian educator asked the children, “How do we see God?” She gives the children a great deal of confidence to respond and be creative, so there were immediate and overlapping answers. But the first answer to ring out was one little girl exclaiming, “Look up!” Others went on to say all around them and in other people. But the wonder and certainty from the first little girl took me by surprise. As a pastor in the world, a Scout, and a disciple of Fred Rogers, I’ve been trained to see God in every single person I meet, in the helpers, and in the nature that surrounds me.
However, it’s easy to forget that life is balance. God is indeed in creation and God’s created children. And… God is above. Both literally, in the mountains peaks and stars above, the created universe… and spiritually. The reminder of Christmas is that the God above, the creator and sustainer came down to earth to be with us, and a teacher and redeemer. God among us was constantly living and loving all around us and remains with us, but prayed and pointed to and glorified a God who was over all. A God above the principalities and powers, death and division, borders and barriers, pettiness and sin and brokenness.
We follow a God who came to this world and remains in it by the Spirit, but also a God above the troubles of this world who calls and empowers us and in whom we can wonder and take joy and trust in. It helps to encourage us to be able to look around and see God. But when the world around us lets us down or discourages us, with the faith and wonder of a child, we can always look up.
Lord, help to look around and find you in the people and places of your created world, and when I become discouraged, to remember to look up. Amen.


December 30, 2024
I will write these final words of this letter with my own hand: if anyone does not love the Lord, that person is cursed. Lord Jesus, come! May the love and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you. My love to all of you, for we all belong to Christ Jesus.
Sincerely, Paul”
I Corinthians 16:21-24
“Jesus is coming. Look busy!”
“He taught Sunday school about 30 times a year.” I drove to GA this week, the home state of former president Jimmy Carter. The whole trip down, across a half dozen NPR stations, I listened to news coverage and interviews with the President, his family, cabinet members, and historians. But of all the things I heard that I knew or learned about him, that one quote from his grandson struck me the most deeply. I’ve spent nearly two decades in church work, and a significant amount of my time and energy has spent recruiting and training teachers. I don’t believe I’ve ever recruited a teacher to spend that many weeks in a Sunday school class or small group, and Jimmy Carter did it for decades. In fact, he relished it more than anything else he got to do in his 100 years.
It is my biggest professional regret that I lived for eight years down the road from his home church in Plains, GA and never carved out the time to make the short pilgrimage to hear him teach one Sunday morning. It bears the same name as the Dominican church and mission group I’ve worked with for years - Maranatha. The name comes from an Aramaic word found in I Corinthians, and translates to “our Lord comes,” or an invitation, “Our Lord, come.” Carter had a deep faith that guided his private and public life of service. He believed that God was real and present in the world and intended to serve others with humility and faithfulness, promising always to be truthful and never to shy from anything controversial.
In the coming days, a lot will be said about the accomplishments and failures of our former president, but I’m certain they will all mention his faith, his service, and that he is universally acclaimed as our finest former president. In the lull that follows the busy holiday season, it’s worth reflecting on someone who lived a century as a man who spent every moment of his life in service to others and building the kingdom on earth that he imagined in heaven. We do well to draw inspiration from the peanut farmers of our world who seek leadership as an opportunity to serve and establish justice. If we truly believe the Lord is coming, we’ve got a lot of work to do.
Lord, come. Dwell among us, comfort and challenge us, and send us to serve. Amen.


December 11, 2024
For thus says the Lord: Only when Babylon’s seventy years are completed will I visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.
Jeremiah 29:10-14
“It’s. So. Haaaaard. To. Wait.” My youngest son said. Each word deliberate and groaned with emphasis. This was his response when he asked if it was Christmas Day and I told him it was still weeks away. We don’t even have a tree yet. He was right. I can’t imagine what it was like for Mary, waiting on Joseph’s reaction to her pregnancy, her family’s reaction to their unfolding plans. I can’t imagine Joseph’s own journey of trust, being asked into this arrangement. His anxiety at their sudden departure as refugees to the land that enslaved his people, to keep his young family safe, with no reliable hope for employment but the lowest jobs no Egyptian wanted had to be deeply discouraging.
I think often of the long journey of the Magi that probably ended in Egypt, much farther than they initially anticipated. I’ve traversed the Sinai peninsula between Israel and Cairo. It’s an absolute wasteland. It’s no wonder God’s people wandered 40 years. It had to be so hard to wait. It was 12 years before they saw him begin to delve into his calling and maybe another 10-15 beyond that before beginning his ministry. It was a long wait for Mary and Joseph and Elizabeth and John, and all their expectant relatives and friends.
And yet, the promise in Jeremiah is an even longer wait. Those people were being told it would be decades before they would see relief and generations before the coming of their savior. But the promise is not that God will one day be faithful. The promise is that God remains faithful in the waiting, present and compassionate, wise and loving, and makes plans with us and for us. Waiting is hard, but we don’t do it alone. I tried to reassure my son that I find waiting hard too. And that we will wait together by stringing lights, reading God’s word, and hearing the ancient stories each day until the day is here. “And God will be watching us?” he asked. “Yes, watching and waiting and with us, I told him.” And that was enough for him. And in sharing that good news, it was for me too.
Lord, it’s hard to wait. Wait with me. Help me to share the goodness of what it means to prepare and plan and wait together with others who feel alone. Amen.
December 2, 2024
The Lord your God is with you, mighty to save. God will take great delight in you, quiet you with love, and will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17
“I love you!” whispered the little one on the chancel steps. Our Director of Education for Children and Families didn’t hesitate - mid-sentence - to reply, “I love you too.” And then continued her children’s message last Sunday. The child had uttered the words with the urgency of any request for food or attention or a trip to the restroom. She was oblivious to the moment, the decorum, the focus, or a sanctuary full of adults and the crowd of children near the advent wreath. She had to express her love right then. And, thankfully, so did Miss Nancy.
How urgent is our love? In a season where we celebrate God coming into the world to be with us - Emmanuel means God with Us - we celebrate this urgent nature of God’s love for and among us. The angels interrupt the lives of Joseph and Mary in the midst of their engagement and life plans, amidst an arduous journey for the census. A host of them barge in on shepherds at work in the fields. The faithful magi interrupt the reign of Herod and the Roman Empire. “I love you,” whispers God - with urgency. And like the little one in our worship service, it’s an urgent invitation to hear and respond. Its importance overshadows the unfolding current events. It shifts the focus. It reminds us of priorities and relationships. It centers that love and the beloved.
It took me back to a concert years ago. A small child wandered up to the stage during my friend David’s performance. He paused mid-song to speak with the little one. He chuckled and said, “when someone under four feet asks for your attention, you drop whatever you’re doing. It’s a rule.” I never forgot it. Christmas is a holy interruption of urgent love that must be expressed, received, and returned. When a child interrupts the world with love, our hearts, minds, and souls must respond. This Advent, I encourage you to embrace the holy disruption of the Christ child and every child who bears wonder, curiosity, hope for connection, and the love that centers and redirects us. Maybe such interruptions reorient you to respond to such love with the same love that is offered in hope.
Lord, make me receptive and responsive to urgent love with a full and ready heart. Amen.
November 28, 2024
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.
I Peter 4:10
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Mumford and Sons
One of my dearest friends from Colorado days makes her home between a few cities there. She visited a new church recently to worship with a friend. Many of the songs were unfamiliar to her. So, she didn’t know the tune, but the words were on the screen up front. In college, she studied American Sign Language. So, she told me, “I didn’t know the tune to sing, so I sang with my hands.”
Over and over, in recent weeks, I’ve heard people say how helpless they feel in the wake of hurricanes, school shootings, political upheaval, and war overseas. And yet, I’ve been inspired to see those same people gather relief supplies, learn about legislation and movements for positive change, pick up tools and build homes and showers, and get educated about conflict and peacemaking efforts. When the world feels overwhelming or unfamiliar, I’ve watched people respond with what they know, to sing with their hands.
This week, we will gather at table with the people we love and who have loved us, nurtured us, bestowed us with gifts and skills, and inspired us to our callings. We will give thanks for those people and gifts. It’s an opportunity to be reminded how God has given us the tools and wisdom to serve and help people in need. As we pause to reflect and thank God, we can be reminded we are equipped and called to a world in need. And when it feels like we are in unfamiliar territory, we are lost, hopeless, or ill-prepared, we can begin to sing with our hands.
Lord, open my eyes, soften my heart, broaden my awareness, and unclench my hands to respond in faith with the gifts you’ve given me to sing into your world. Amen.


November 18, 2024
God will hear the cry of the poor and vulnerable, and one should not oppress them
Exodus 22:20-26
A portion of the harvest should be set aside for the poor and strangers
Leviticus 19:9-10
True worship is to care for the poor and oppressed, and to work for justice
Isaiah 58:5-7
The poor are blessed, and theirs is the kingdom of God
Luke 6:20-23
“Hey, Kevin.” Last weekend, I got to go back to one of my favorite places on earth, where I went to college in Chapel Hill. I’ve never been to a college reunion. However, my campus ministry, where I spent every single Thursday night for four years, hosted a reunion for everyone who’s ever been part of the campus ministry in the last several decades. At the Saturday afternoon, activities, and dinner and program that evening, I saw a lot of my old friends. Kevin was a Chapel Hill friend from 20 years ago. But Kevin wasn’t actually at that dinner.
Kevin is a homeless man that I met during my years at the university. My good friend Frank, from my campus ministry group, would go with me on weeknights in our college days and offer to take folks to dinner with us on Franklin Street, north of campus. Folks would panhandle for change, and Kevin was a regular. We got to know him well over our dinners. Kevin had a generous sister who provided him a couch, but she couldn’t afford to support him, and his mental health challenges kept him out of stable employment. So, he was perpetually unhoused and in need of food. He was kind and chatty, and always said yes to a meal with us. Twenty years later, he did remember me and our dinners… but his situation was the same.
If you had asked me in college if I had hopes that my state and nation would make progress toward housing or helping people like Kevin within ten years or twenty, I would have said yes. Jesus himself said the poor would always be with us. But he didn’t say the same people would always be poor or would have no hope. I shared my experience with my fellow campus ministry alum, who remembered our dinners. They were as disappointed and troubled as I was. Ordinarily, in my reflections, I try to offer a word of encouragement or a challenge we can all accept. Today, I’ll simply say this.
We’ve made monumental progress in technology, innovation, safety, health and science in the last twenty years. In the coming months and years, we must choose leaders, hold them accountable, and prioritize in our own lives, faith communities, and municipalities the care for the poor. Kevin is not the only person for whom nothing has changed under four presidents, three governors, and twenty classes of graduates from our nations’ universities. If your faith home has ministries to the homeless, do you participate? If there are opportunities to provide housing or advocate for it, are you supporting it? If families in your community need extra help at the holidays, are you a part of those efforts? Things may not be noticeably different in 2025 than they are now. But in twenty years, they must be.
Lord, make me an instrument of humility in my listening and awareness. Transform me by what I learn and who I form relationships with, ready to work tirelessly for progress. Amen.
November 11, 2024
Some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a great many of the devout Greeks and not a few of the leading women. But the [local Jewish Thessalonians] became jealous, and with the help of some ruffians in the marketplaces they formed a mob and set the city in an uproar. While they were searching for Paul and Silas to bring them out to the assembly, they attacked Jason’s house. When they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some brothers and sisters before the city authorities, shouting, “These people who have been turning the world upside down have come here also, and Jason has entertained them as guests. They are all acting contrary to the decrees of the emperor, saying that there is another king named Jesus.”
Acts 17: 4-7
I was reminded of this text when our pastor preached last week. It describes the events surrounding Paul’s visit to Thesalonica. Jason hosts Paul and Silas at his house while they preach the teachings of Jesus. Fearing the repercussions of this revolutionary message, the locals, who are occupied by Rome, turn on Paul, and even recruit “ruffians” to help them attack Jason’s house. Like the angry mob that demanded the crucifixion of Jesus, they side with the oppressive authoritarian regime, rather than those preaching the ancient message of justice and mercy from the prophets of their Lord.
What was Jason’s crime? Hospitality to the stranger, welcome to the refugee, and standing against the Emperor (not them). Paul isn’t bringing a new message. The teachings of Jesus are the words of the prophets of Israel, quoted and explained in parables, and lived out by example in his life, his advocacy for justice, and ministry of mercy. This is so dangerous to the status quo that they attack Paul’s entourage and their hosts. They would rather be agents of an authoritarian regime and its promises of peace and stability and economic certainty than to adhere to the commands and ethic of their faith. They willingly cling to loyalty to the emperor, rather than risk welcoming the sojourner in their land.
The story from scripture reminds us that hospitality and justice are prophetic calls to a life that is faithful and dangerous. Christ calls us to build a kingdom of peacemakers, vulnerable outcasts, and the tempest tossed. Empires are built on fear and enmity, threats and borders and barriers and violence. The world and our nation have troubling histories of a rejection of the prophetic message of hospitality.
We will always be faced with the challenge to open our homes, churches, and communities to those in need. Sometimes it’s a neighbor whose house burned down, sometimes 80 counties of displaced people who lost their homes to hurricane flooding. Sometimes it’s entire people groups fleeing political violence and economic collapse in their home country. And sometimes it’s a young family of three fleeing the brutality of a king who fears the prophecies of magi from the east. In the coming weeks of recovery for our state, the advent season, and changing powers that govern, will we be people of welcome and refuge like Jason? Or will we join the mob and ruffians who seek to ignore, attack, or expel the vulnerable?
Lord, make me a mighty host like Jason, ready to embrace and show mercy, rather than succumb to fear. Amen.
Rev. Brian Daoust