
  • Selwyn Habitat for Humanity Build
    • In 2024 we will once again join Habitat for Humanity to assist in building Habitat homes. NEW for this year we have quadrupled our commitment and will be participating in quarterly builds. 
    • This is a great opportunity to work in fellowship in providing "A hand up, not a handout" to local families in need of affordable housing.
  • Roof Above (formerly Urban Ministry Center)
    • In-kind donations needed for "Welcome Home Kits". Feel free to conveniently donate through our Amazon wish list, below. All items can be dropped at Roof Above, 945 N. College St. campus, between 9am-12:30pm.

    • Order directly from the Roof Above wish list. 

  • Room in the Inn:  Each year, nearly 5,000 Room in the Inn volunteers throughout the community help in some way across a variety of faith communities. Selwyn welcomes these guests. During the coldest time of the year, each Monday from December 5 through March 27 we help Roof Above host our homeless neighbors on Monday nights at the church.
    • It's a wonderful way to get involved and to get to know some of our Charlotte neighbors. On Monday night, we meet in Fellowship Hall and Bowman building. We pick up our neighbors at the RoofAbove main campus and then bring them back to the church for a hot meal together and an evening of movies, fellowship and other activities.
    • We need volunteers who can spend the night with their homeless neighbors, serve dinner and breakfast, bring lunches to take with them, and then drive the neighbors back to uptown Charlotte in the morning.
    • Sign up to help