Congregational Care coordinates loving support for our Selwyn family members during life’s challenges. Request for Care cards, located in the pew racks, may be used to make known one’s concerns in a confidential manner and when desired added to the congregational prayer list.
Care Teams
Care Teams provide hospitality for receptions after memorial services or to church families experiencing death of loved one. They share food and other support with church families with new babies. Casseroles are available for members recovering from illness or who have ongoing situations of need.
Helping Hands
The Helping Hands ministry coordinates practical assistance, including food for church families dealing with medical situations, rides to appointments for those unable to drive or running errands for someone who is homebound. The Shepherds Ministry provides a listening ear and offers support for church members in difficult life situations as well as insuring our homebound members and those in nursing and retirement homes are visited.
If you are interested in participating in any of these areas, please contact .
Prayer Shawls
Selwyn's Prayer Shawl Ministry is led by Susan Lohrand creates shawls which are blessed by the group and distributed to those undergoing difficult times. This group welcomes anyone who has an interest in learning how to knit, or who has experience knitting and would enjoy the fellowship of a group of knitters focused on caring for those in need. Knitters typically meet the third Sunday of the month after church in the Parlor.