Children and Tweens Ministry
We believe children are created by God and are intended to grow into the fullness and beauty for which God has created them. We promise to guide and nurture children and families, in mind, body and soul—the totality of the human creature—into a life of faith.
Children are a part of our worship life at Selwyn. While children of all ages are welcome, our tradition is to formally prepare children to worship and to join us at the Lord’s Table in kindergarten.
Sunday School 2024-2025
On Sunday Mornings at 9:30am Four years old through 5th grade children who are not actively enrolled in a milestone ministry class are invited into a new rotation model learning space in the Bowman building.
Fall 2024 Milestone Ministry Classes
Worship Readiness 1.0 - Kindergarten to 2nd grade
September 8 - September 29 (Four Sessions, Sunday Mornings at 9:30am) - Children join with Congregation / Communion - October 6
Children will learn about being part of worship and about the sacraments. We will dive into the meaning and history of Baptism and Communion and what the Bible says about these sacraments. We will break down parts of our worship service, and discover the meaning behind the seasons of the church, the church calendar, and the colors.
3rd - 5th Grade Bibles - 3rd grade to 5th grade
October 20 - November 10 (Four Sessions, Sunday Mornings at 9:30am)
Children will learn to use their Bibles as they explore the history and structure of the Bible. We will learn how to look up scriptures, where the text is in the Bible, and how it fits into the scope of the Word. Through the use of a Bible outline, the children will begin to put together the overall story of God and his people. Using a survey model we will pull from stories in the Old and New Testaments to begin to learn God’s plan. The children will be reading and working through writings to help bring them more clarity. We will play games, and use and create art.
Spring 2025 Milestone Ministry Classes
Worship Readiness 2.0 - 2nd grade to 4th graders
March 9 - 30 (Four Sessions, Sunday Mornings at 9:30am)
After a brief review of WR 1.0, children will begin learning about the Lord’s Prayer, creeds and other parts of Worship with greater focus on remembering the prayers and creeds for use in worship. We will review the hymnal and music to give a greater meaning to sacred music and show the children they can find God in the joy of worship. We will look at church history with a concentration on being Presbyterian. With the use of art and media to explore the Bible, and leading in worship, we will discover the service together and see where the spirit is leading us.
During 10:30am Worship 2024-2025
Children ages four through 2nd grade are invited to join Mrs. Nancy and church member volunteers for Children's Chapel following the 10:30am Worship Moment for Young Disciples. During this 20 minute time, children will gain a deeper understanding of the scripture being used in the weekly Worship, exploring through games, stories and discussions.
During Worship and Sunday School from 9:30am-11:30am our youngest children age 0-3 are invited to join our skilled nursery workers in the downstairs classrooms.
Each Sunday we have a volunteer reading to share a book. There is a song and prayer with the 2-3 year-olds.
Tween Ministry 3rd - 5th Grade
Sunday Evenings: On Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:00pm, tweens are invited to join Mrs. Nancy and our fabulous team of teachers for Christian Education and fellowship. This Spring the tweens will gather to further explore our Jesus Ministry and Teaching. Tweens will meet in the new “Tween Room” in the Bowman Building.
Fall Meeting Dates: Six Sessions, weekly September 17 through October 22
Winter and Spring Meeting Dates: January 26, February 16 & 23, March 16 - 23, April 27
Children's Choir Practice age 4-5th Grade
First Session: weekly Wednesday 5:30pm rehearsals, September 20 through October 11
Sunday, October 15- Children will sing; 9:30am rehearsal for the 10:30am Worship service
Second Session: Wednesday 5:30pm rehearsals on November 15, November 29, and December 6 Saturday, 10am rehearsals on December 2 and December 9
Sunday, December 10- Children’s Pageant; 9:30am rehearsal for 10:30am Worship service
Additional Children and Family Dates
Fall Festival with the Child Development Center - October 26, 4:30-6pm
Advent Workshop - November 26 following Worship
Children's Christmas Pageant Worship with All Church Lunch following - December 10
All Church Retreat in Montreat - April 26 - 28, 2025
Spring Fling with the Child Development Center - May 8, 2025
Vacation Bible School for Elementary Children - June 23 - 26, 2025
Please email Nancy Nutter for more information about our Children's ongoing and upcoming programs.